Carl Collett column: 'Jouer l'advantage' - Who?s calling the shots, the ref or the IRB?
By Carl Collett, 07 July 2010

Playing the advantage Photo: Michael Paler
(French Rugby Club columnist and former international referee Carl Collett this week examines how the differing interpretations of the advantage law are leading to on-field confusion)
As an international team runs onto the playing field they are under clear instructions from their coach on how to play the game. Surprisingly, though, it seems the referee is under similar instructions from the refereeing coach at the IRB.
Rugby Law is not rocket science and it is not surprising that the IRB?s coordinator for 'Referee Development' and myself - a former international referee - have differing views on how the advantage law should be refereed, and indeed that referees should be told how to referee this law, but more on that later.
The best rule in the rugby book on the laws of the game is one little known by rugby watchers and perhaps the least applied by international referees. It?s the 'Law of Advantage' and if it?s accepted as being the ?best? then why is our current crop of international referees reluctant to use it to bring back our game to its exciting best?